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Hi ,  my name is Melanie Caroline Ragon , but everyone calls me Mel. I am proud to say I'm the new Secretary of the West Greene FFA Officer team 2016-2017 year. Also I am apart of the West Greene Cheerleading team. Coming into highschool my first time was scary , because I didn't know what clubs to join. As the first semester passed, I looked at the last semester and I had an agriscience class. I really didn't seemed interested at first in joining FFA , but throughout the year I started to actually get involved with FFA by helping at fundraisers known as the Chicken&Fish dinner and more exciting events. I realized that this is actually something I really am interested in doing. So I applied for an office position and sure enough I found out I got the job at the FFA Banquet. FFA has really changed my life in many extraordinary ways. I have developed a very good work ethic, leadership and in showing pride in this program. If your asking yourself , "What is there for me to do ?" There are plenty of CDE's for anyone to do. Thats one of the main reasons of why I wanted to join , because of so many activities to do , for instance Dairy Judging. I was apart of the team this year and loved it. We judged a lot of dairy cows . Some were big , some were small , but you had to rank them , from the best to the worse. Other than that,  you meet new people, which is also very great. I strongly encourage anyone to be apart of this amazing program. 


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